

Kenji Ozawa

I found the tweet that Hikari Mitsushima and Kenji Ozawa collaborate to sing Lovely.

I did not know this song but I was interested in this special collaboration.

Fortunately, someone has already uploaded a music video of it on Youtube.

I watched and listed it. Actually, it was fantastic. Kenji Ozawa is now 48 years old.

I prefer present than when he was young. He still looks smart and attractive, does not look nearly 50s.


Hikari Mitsushima is also good. She is mainly actress but her voice is really nice.

She can be singer. She is talented women.

They look very enjoyable on the video. I was glad to see them.

The song is very pop and made me happy.


I found some good videos of song of Kenji Ozawa. I want to watch them when I have a time.