


Workout 2015-2017

次は練習の振り返りを。 まずはシャフ練。週1参加で割合的には月曜3割、水曜7割ぐらい。土曜にレースorパークランの時は月曜、日曜にレースORポイント練習の時には水曜に参加。2017年からスパイク使用。最初はふくらはぎに疲労がきて走りにくかったけど…

5km T.T 2015-2017

Overall YEAR 2015 2016 2017 AVERAGE 16:48.2 16:39.7 16:28.4 ATTEMPT 11 14 14 BEST 16:17 16:04 16:02 WORST 17:52 17:24 16:55 AGE GRADE 79.43% 80.71% 81.08% ECP YEAR 2015 2016 2017 AVERAGE 16:48.2 16:33 16:28.7 ATTEMPT 11 12 10 BEST 16:17 16…

Kenji Ozawa

I found the tweet that Hikari Mitsushima and Kenji Ozawa collaborate to sing Lovely. I did not know this song but I was interested in this special collaboration. Fortunately, someone has already uploaded a music video of it on Youtube. I w…

Soccer Lab

I watched soccer lab on You tube. It was discussion of Toda, Hashimoto and Nonomura. They were discussing world cup in Russia. I knew Toda studies soccer a lot and he aims to be manager in the future. Now, he works as commentator on soccer…


Finally, I gave up using Garmin. It cannot be charged any more. Then, I restarted using TomTom. Still it does not have defective points. But, I am not satisfied with it because of below mentioned reasons. No lap by hand: it has stop watch …


I was really bad yesterday. I was supposed to collect prize from Asics and take part in training at Kallang track. However, it was postponed to today suddenly. So, I had to reschedule and change plan. I bought drug for cough and sore throa…


I started studying for TOEIC SW and restarted taking Rarejob lessons. It has been long time since last Rarejob lesson. Last time I took it was in this year January. I checked bookmark. Some tutors are still working and some of them seem no…


1st OCT2017 9:30 start て 通関業法、関税法/関税定率法、通関実務の3項目全てで60%以上正答。 カトー時代、木っ端微塵に砕け散ってもう二度と受けることはあるまいと絶望した2011年から6年。人生とはわからないもので紆余曲折あり再び。 準備 2月:東…


03DEC2017 12:10 start G:02:33:07 (42.44km 3:36/km by Garmin) Position: 141 目標1:Sub 2:32:19( Sub Ms. Lindesey) 目標2:New PB 目標3:完走 11月30日(3日前) 朝食:シリアル、卵サンド 午前:5km通勤ラン。仕事 昼食:板麺+ご飯1杯 午後:仕…